How to deploy a next.js application on docker hub
Make sure you follewed the prerequisites from the previous post. Make also sure you have a Docker Hub account and have docker installed. A guide on how to install docker can be found here.
Creating a simple Dockerfile
To deploy a next.js application on docker hub we need to create a Dockerfile
in the root of our project.
We can use a very simple Dockerfile
to get started:
This Dockerfile
uses the official node
image as a base image.
It sets the working directory to /app
, copies the package.json
and package-lock.json
files to the working directory,
installs the dependencies, copies the rest of the files to the working directory, exposes port 3000
, and starts the next.js application in development mode.
You can now build the docker image by running:
And run the docker container by running:
You can now access your next.js application in the browser at http://localhost:3000.
While this gets us started, it is not suitable for production.
Creating a production-ready Dockerfile
To create a production-ready Dockerfile
we can use the docker file provided by vercel.
This has several advantages over the simple Dockerfile
- It uses a multi-stage build to reduce the size of the final image.
- Automatically leaveraging output traces to further reduce the size of the final image.
- It uses a non-root user to run the next.js application.
- Does not expose the next.js application in development mode.
- Does not provide page sources in production.
Keep in mind that the Dockerfile
provided by vercel collects completely anonymous telemetry data about general usage.
You can disable this by setting the NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED
environment variable to 1
Before we can build the docker image we have to edit the next.config.(m)js
file and add the output: "standalone"
Now we can build our production docker image by running:
and run the docker container via
Pushing the docker image to docker hub
Before pushing the docker image to docker hub we need to create a repository.
In order to do this, login to your Docker Hub account in a browser > click on Create Repository
> set a name for the repository > choose a visibility > click on Create
Now we can push the docker image to docker hub. First we need to login to docker hub via the terminal:
Now we can tag the docker image with the repository name:
And push the docker image to docker hub:
Nice, you can now access your next.js application on docker hub! 🥳 Read the next article to learn more about how to deploy a next.js application on kubebernetes.
Read Next
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